Every new home should be wired for the future. Allowing for only basic services like electricity, telephone and cable TV is not enough to take advantage of new technologies. The ideal solution is to install a home wiring network connecting all the rooms in your home to a central location. From there, services like telephone, fax and high speed Internet can be routed to any room. Conveniences like satellite, cable and closed circuit TV can be enjoyed wherever you choose. Because the home wiring networks we install have the future in mind, technologies like interactive TV and video-on-demand can easily be made part of your home and your lifestyle.


An integrated home network lets you watch video from digital, cable, satellite, DVR, or DVD in any room in your home, giving you access to multiple telephone lines for voice, fax or a modem. You can even link home computers to share files, printers, and internet access. All the convenience of the office — at home! Most importantly, your home will be ready for future communication standards without expensive retrofitting.


A combination of Coaxial, Category 5 and Fiber Optic cables are run from wall plates in individual rooms to a central location in your garage, utility room or basement. Incoming services like telephone, cable and satellite TV are brought to the central location. An equipment panel at the central location houses all the distribution hardware and allows services to be routed and reconfigured to each room. Each wall plate will have connectors for the services you want in that room. Best of all, as your needs change, only the wall plates have to be replaced because the necessary wire is already there.